Christmas Contrasts

Christmas Contrasts

Christmas Contrasts

By Pastor Bill

Christmas is rich and rife with the paradox of Christ…

He descended that we might ascend (John 6:38, 14:3).
He became poor that we might become rich (2 Cor.8:9, Jas. 2:5).
He was born that we might be born again (John 1:14, 3:2,7).
He became a servant that we might become sons (Phil. 2:7; Gal. 4:6, 7).
He had no home that we might have a home in heaven (Matt. 8:20; John 14:2).
He was hungry that we might be fed (Matt. 4:2; John 6:50).
He was thirsty that we might be satisfied (John 19:26).
He was stripped that we might be clothed (Matt. 27:28; Gal. 3:27).
He was forsaken that we might never be forsaken (Matt. 27:26; 28:20).
He was sad that we might become glad (Isa.53:3; Phil. 4:4).
He was bound that we might go free (Matt.27:2; John 8:32-36).
He was made sin that we might be made righteous (2 Cor.5:21).
He died that we might live (John 5:24, 25).
He came down that we might be caught up (1 Thess.4:16, 17).