Shepherd's Pie


Habakkuk Remix

Recently for my Growth Group I down-sized and synopsized Habakkuk. His book is found in the last section of the Old Testament called the Minor Prophets. They are called “minor” because of their comparative brevity not because of their unimportance.... read more
The Bible

The Bible in Roughly 300 Words

Trying to capture the grand story-line of the Bible in about 300 words is a tall task but worth the try. Here is the attempt by the managing editor of the Gospel Project, Trevin Wax: In the beginning, the all-powerful,... read more
Satisfied in Him

Money Myth-Buster

Sometimes, in a family, hidden assumptions are at work underneath self-oriented feelings of frustration and resentment. Within the evangelical family, one of the unspoken assumptions that deserves exposure and correction is the following money-related myth: If I just trust God,... read more
Back to the Bible

Back To The Bible

Last Sunday we brought in the New Year by calling ourselves back to the Bible for 2012. This is relevant for every one of us, whether we’re men or women, adults or children, leaders or followers, sick or healthy, more... read more
Born Again

Twice Born: Ultimately a Mystery

In 1976 the former hatchet man in the Nixon Whitehouse, Charles Colson, wrote a best selling book entitled ‘Born Again,’ where he chronicled his own experience of conversion to Christianity. By his own confession, prior to being born again, Colson... read more
Augustine The Hippo

Architectural Christianity

Lately I bumped into these rhetorical words by the great church father, Augustine of Hippo (354-430 B.C.): Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending.You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds?Lay first the foundation of humility. This is... read more

Thy Kingdom Come

Last Sunday I tried an experiment that isn’t greatly embedded in our Baptist expression of the Christian faith, but I decided to write out the prayer I would pray during our morning corporate worship so that I could invite arranged,... read more

Tears for Caledon

Moses interceded for the covenant community with such self-identification with them that he could pray, “But now, please, forgive their sin – but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written” (Exodus 32:32). Paul could say,... read more

Let’s Unite in Prayer for the People of Haiti

In light of the devastating earthquake which struck Haiti January 12, pray for the people of Haiti – those recovering from their injuries, those who may be trapped in the ruins, and those who are eagerly awaiting news of their... read more
Reading Plans

New Year’s Resolution?

Some of us aren’t all too enamored with New Year’s resolutions, but there’s one that’s always worthy of promotion. Is it time for you to begin reading right through the Bible again? There is any number of excellent Bible reading... read more
God of Christmas

The God of Christmas: Timely and Timeless

On Christmas, we celebrate something quite wonderful: God entering our time and space. The eternal becomes temporal; the infinite becomes finite; the Word that created all things becomes flesh. Oh, the mystery of it all! The one who knows all... read more
Nativity King

Born a King

Isaiah prophecied of old, a child to rule in peace. And He would reign on David’s throne with government increase. (Isa, 9:6,7) CHORUS: BORN A KING, BORN A KING! JESUS IS HIS NAME. AND HE MUST REIGN FOREVERMORE, THE PROPHET... read more